Okay so wow... I obviously didn't ever post anything here. And oddly enough, just when I was thinking to myself, "Now that my son has turned two years old I should start blogging and really keeping track of his funny little sayings," I think "Wait a minute... I've GOT a blog!" And low an behold, I apparently started this one in April, FOUR YEARS AGO. That's kind of freaky.
Although this blog was originally started for reasons that were upsetting I'm turning the tables and writing about happy things, like my little man :)
It's very hard to believe that he is 2 years old. Where does the time go? It's rather amazing to watch him grow and learn new things every day... heck every minute something new seems to come out of his mouth.
My current favorite phrases are:
"Mama, what doin?" followed by
"oh..." when I answer, which now seems to be followed by
"why?""Be good boy" originally said to Gatsby, now said to anything that leaves the house/car, etc.
"Bye __ (insert whatever it is that he doesn't want anymore)" like "bye Cars", when he doesn't want to watch the movie anymore.
"Mommy funny" which is usually said as I'm making a face or hopping up and down to avoid swearing because I just injured myself.
He is also getting to the point where he points out things that maybe he shouldn't. Like "Mommy in potty", or "Bampa stinky, peeee yuuwww" after a night of beans :P I'm going to have to learn to think on my feet to avoid certain situations... I mean, yes, its cute because he's 2 and he doesn't know better, but I don't want to encourage it. Even though potty humor still cracks me up (and I'm about to turn 33)
The journey has been a blast so far (minus the few Oscar worthy tantrums I've witnessed) and I can't wait to hear what he comes up with next.